Angela's reflections

Monday 2 May 2016

Meeting 4: Thursday 12 May.


We discussed the current report comments document which is in the ellps folder.
This is still a useful document, teachers are using it as a base and then adding relevant classroom comments.
We looked at a new document which breaks down each stage into the 4 areas, We thought this was also a useful document, which went a bit deeper and gave more detailed comments.  We also though it was a useful document when quickly assessing a new ellps student.
We decided to keep both documents in the ellps folders, for teachers to refer to when writing reports.

We discussed report writing for students who have just recently started. We decided that ells students who have been at our school for less than a term will receive a settling in letter. Anna will add some examples into the school wide ells folder.

We discussed our ells resource box, and decided this needs to be shared with all teachers. Regula suggested a games box which teachers could borrow for ells students to work on in class. We decided to set this up straight away and will start adding resources to this immediately.


Teachers to share the new document for report writing at their next team meeting.

All to add to games/puzzles resource box.

Teachers to share the ells resource box and games box at their next team meeting, and invite teachers to add to it.

Anna to add examples of settling in letter to ells folder.

Angela to finalize ellps report formats and share templates with all staff.

Next meeting:  

We will all bring a game, app or website to share.  We will create a document with all of these on it for the games resource box.

Discuss the idea of parent/family support/contact for new families that come to the school.

Monday 14 March 2016

Meeting 3: 15th March

We read through a sheet about tips on creating a supportive classroom for esol students.
We discussed key points, interesting things that came up with were:

* allowing foundation students to copy texts, gives them a sense of achievement.
* Using visual aides, such as timetable pictures etc is very helpful.
* Letting students speak in their first language, assists comprehension and helps them to participate in      class activities.
* Encouraging new learners to join in by helping with house keeping activities.

Allison shared a useful assessment "the record of oral language" from Marie Clay.
This is a useful oral language test.
We discussed how it could be useful at the 6 week check?

Anna shared a fun game called "headbanz"which encourages oral language.  People are welcome to borrow it. Great for informally assessing oral language.  Another game is called 5 in 10. Students have to name 5 things from one topic in 10 seconds. eg: 5 vegetables.....

Jess shared another oral language game 'whats the question?' when you give an answer and students have to say the question.   Starter words are given such as when, where, who, why?

Angela shared a resource that Tracey T made to encourage vocab development, The first set are around the playground. Tracey will add to the set as she make it.

Next meeting:

Looking at the ellps:
Working on re-designing them into kids speak.
Look at ones other schools have done. Compare them.

Make our own version. Do them each mode at a time.

Look at moderation document: Nicola Kingston.
Discuss assessment for listening and speaking.....

Monday 29 February 2016

Meeting 2: 23 February

Today we started with a reading about the 7 esol principles.  We discussed interesting points that it brought up. Key points were: Home link is difficult when parents can't communicate in English. Contextual learning is importing - giving concrete examples and the importance of building vocab.

We shared resources to contribute towards our ELLS support box.  Everybody shared something useful which has been added into our collection. These go over all levels and stages across the school.

Etap - Angela shared the etap mark book which now includes the ELLPS.  Eventually teachers will input the ellps data as well as filling out the yellow form.  The purpose of this is for teachers and management to track the progress of students.  Also so teachers can track who is funded.

Actions: Angela will set up the box and folders for readings.
Next meeting:
We will talk about tips on supporting ells learners in class.
Anna will bring a reading.
Any more resources to share?
Teachers to bring their laptops.
Time to reflect on goals -what have you done so far? what do you want to do?
Link to esol principals and tips.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Meeting 1: TOD

Today we discussed our personal goals and our overall team goals.  We set out an action plan.
Anna and Angela shared information about the English Language Learning Progressions and Funding.

Next meeting:

Please bring a resource or an idea to share which will be helpful to support ells learners in class. We will decide which ellps stage it is at together.

Anna will bring a copy of the esol principals to share and an easy ideas for supporting ells sheet.


  • To create a shared resource for teachers to use in class with new ells students.  At all stages.
  • To review ells policies and procedures.
  • To rewrite the ellp matrix in child speak.
  • To look at bridging the gap between national standards and ellps matrix.

Team Goals


Overall team goals:
                                 To support our ells learners in mainstream class.
                                 To bridge the gap between stage 2 ells and cohort.

My school goal:
To connect English class learning with mainstream class learning.  To ensure that class teachers have correct knowledge of how their students are progressing,what ellp stage they are at, and what they are capable of doing at that stage.  For myself and teachers to work more collaboratively together with our ELLS.

My academic goal:To better understanding migrant cultures in NZ.

My school goal:
To better develop a school wide understanding of our ELLs programme and policies and review how the programme is currently implemented
To review the transition to an English school for our newest migrants to ensure they have the best start to their schooling at Forrest Hill School. 

My academic goal: To better understanding migrant cultures in NZ.

Jane Pearson:
To develop a programme and resources to support Ells during their first year at school.

To provide support for the Ells students when they are in class for writing and reading using a variety of resources.

To introduce vocabulary within context and across the curriculum using visual resources. (Principle 5 & 1)

Tracey: To increase Ell students English and peer interaction within the classroom.


Tracey Clarke: Reflection Term 3 Week 6
Confidence has grown amongst the ELL students and they continue to make progress interacting and speaking English in front of small groups and the whole class. They are encouraged to join in with housekeeping tasks within the classroom and have begun to use their initiative at the end of the day when we are packing up the room. This contributes to peer interaction within the class. All my ELL students are happy to distribute worksheets or notices to the rest of the class and this provides them with opportunities for interaction and conversation with their peers. They have the confidence to go to the office with a buddy and interact with other adults within the school.  We still regularly use the think pair share. This is beneficial to them as it gives them the opportunity for think time and enables them to listen to the ideas of others first before they need to come up with their own ideas. Two out of my three ELL students independently wrote a speech and presented it in English to the whole class. I was so proud of them both! One still lacked the confidence and language skills to present a speech and although he had the option to present it in Chinese, he decided not to. However, he is using more English while in the classroom and is willing to participate in classroom activities so is still making good progress. 

Tracey Clarke: Reflection Term 2 Week 2
Starting off in buddy groups worked really well as it helped the ELL students to gain in confidence before having to speak in front of a smaller group and whole class discussions. We used think pair share too which helped them contribute ideas. Listening to others in their group talking and watching them interact with each other also gave the students confidence to demonstrate their English speaking abilities. Using other students fluent in the same home language as translators at times, also gave them the confidence and opportunities to contribute. First in their home language and then in English. To see their confidence grow and hear them speaking more English within the classroom is awesome. All three of my ELL students are talking to me so much more than at the start of the year. They have the confidence to clarify what we are doing and ask for help if needed. They are all interacting much more with others in the classroom. 

Allison:  Transitioning Ells into Reading Recovery and monitoring how they transition back into the classroom, looking at Reading and writing specifically.